Newborn triplet portraits
Portraits courtesy of Joey Winn Portrait Studio

Welcome to the Love TripletsTM Blog

When our daughter knocked on our door early one Saturday morning to tell us she was pregnant after a long and difficult journey with infertility, we were thrilled. 

She called after her first ultrasound to tell us she was having triplets and we were over-the-moon…and terrified. 

When our precious little peanuts were born at 36 weeks without having to spend any time in the NICU, we learned once and for all the magic of being grandparents.

Sharing Our Journey

Since first learning the news, those in our circle of family and friends quickly became invested in following the journey of these three cuties. 

While we too were excited about this trio, it was discouraging to find so little information available to help plan for their arrival.  As a family, we hope to fix that.  

We already have so many stories to share, and learned so much.  Every day brings a new challenge and a new adventure.  These babies have amazing parents, and once in a while they may have time to write a blog themselves. 

Other family and friends may contribute as well.  In the meantime, I will be sharing my journey as I enter semi-retirement to care for the triplets when their mom goes back to work.  

This blog is meant to keep those close to us up to date, to provide anecdotes for other families expecting or raising multiples, and generally to entertain the curious about what it’s like raising triplets.

We love triplets and hope you love triplets too.

~Umpa (and crew)

Please read the disclaimer and enjoy!

Biggle Buddies
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