Week 40 with Triplets

My little tag-along triplets.

Now that the girls are efficient crawlers, and Bear has a pretty quick army crawl technique as well, they’ve decided to follow me everywhere.

It’s also becoming increasingly more difficult getting pictures of all three sitting still together. A lot of action shots lately.

Week 40 kitchen crawlers
Triplets on the move.

New (and Dangerous) Territory

The daycare space is adjacent to the dining room/kitchen area of our house. Our little explorers decided this week to conquer the new space as their own.

Week 40 eating breakfast
The triplets enjoying canned pears and Cheerios.

We’ve not quite babyproofed this area but, with a few adjustments, it was made a little more baby friendly. Moving some potted plants and a temporary blockade on a small set of steps opened up the space to move around.

I will say, we remodeled our kitchen a few years ago and I’m suddenly regretting the Cheerios-colored flooring we selected.

The trio’s greatest discovery this week came Friday when Bear realized the drawer under the oven opens. We don’t actually use this so, aside from an embarrassing amount of crumb buildup, it was empty.

However, you could see the intensity in Bean’s eyes when it dawned on her that other things might open as well. She’s our mischievous baby, so that immediately shut down kitchen access until I can secure every cabinet, drawer and appliance.

Swim Lesson Milestone

Weekly swimming lessons have been going great. All three kiddos love being in the water.

Last week came the milestone I’d been waiting for since the beginning. The babies were ready to dip completely under water.

Submerging went reasonably well, with each baby reacting in their own way but no one freaking out.

By the time summer gets here, we’ll have some pool-ready triplets.

Goals of the Week

There weren’t any big milestones achieved this week. Mostly strengthening recent skills.

Week 40 playtime
Quietly playing by themselves in the corral.

We did spend a lot of time working on sounds and making progress on speaking. Bear is ahead of the girls, by a little bit. Bean started making “dada” sounds, so at least her mom can say she is speaking when we go in for their 9 month check up next week.

Melon is working very hard on standing unsupported, and Bean is focused on walking along the furniture. Bear has interest in getting to a standing position on his own, but still needs a little help untangling his feet.

Spring Break Break

This upcoming week is Spring Break for the triplet’s mom. That means no babies in the daycare for a week.

I’m sure there will still be opportunities to help out a little during the week, but mainly working to get some babyproofing done around our house.

Updates on my progress will be in next week’s blog, and then the torture test of what really works.