Weeks 44-45 with Triplets

Spring has sprung, and so have the babies.

The last two weeks have been CRAZY, but I finally found the time to post an update.

We Have Emerging Toddlers!

In a few short weeks our littlest Bean went from taking steps behind the walker to ditching that in favor of going it alone.

Bean was our first crawler and clearly that girl is motivated to move. At every opportunity she is pulling herself up and walking anywhere from two to twenty steps.

Her big goal now is learning to stand up at will. Putting herself in different shapes and positions, she’s trying to figure out the secret of getting up off the floor without a prop.

Melon is close behind. For weeks now her big motivation was just learning to stand without holding on.

This week, possibly from observing her sister, she has started randomly taking steps during play. A little more confidence and practice and she’ll be chasing her sister around the house.

April Showers Bring May… Teeth?

Week 44 mac & cheese
These babies are crazy about mac & cheese and chicken nuggets

For months now we’ve been waiting on teeth to sprout. Not to say we’re eager for little biters, but all three have been fussing, drooling and chewing as if teeth would pop through at any moment.

The end of week 44 produced clear signs of one tooth for Bean, followed by two teeth from Bear.

At this point you can feel the teeth more than you can see them, but those chompers are clearly emerging.

Surely expecting more teeth to pop through in quick order. Now we’re just waiting for Melon to show her pearly whites.

We are officially changing from gummy grins to toothy smiles.

First Garage Sales of the Season

My summer time hobby is shopping garage sales so, as spring arrives, I’m always itching to hunt for bargains.

Last weekend was my first time out for the season. The weather was miserable but there were plenty of garage sales and I found just enough baby items to make it worthwhile.

At one sale alone I found a motivated seller and scored a Puppy Walker, Bounce and Spin Puppy, and a water table for $8. I’m also stockpiling Mega Blocks when I find a good price.

If you’re interested in my tips and tricks for finding bargains at garage sales, I wrote a blog post sharing my secrets. Garage Sale Shopping for Triplets.

Our First Day in the Yard

Last week we finally had nice enough weather at the daycare to venture outside for some play time.

Week 44 outisde adventure
Not so sure about the green grass surrounding them.

The babies donned their new sun hats and we set up our foam play mat under a tree.

I didn’t think much about it, but there was actually a lot of new sensations for the triplets to take in. Having much of their experiences so far inside over the winter, a lot of this was brand new.

What caught me most by surprise was their uncertainty about the grass. Nobody was venturing much off the play mat, spending a lot of time deciding what they thought of the green stuff.

Before long the sun, sounds and new experiences became too overwhelming and we headed back inside.

We’ll try again on the next nice day.

The Triplet’s Forever Home

Week 44 play pen
Play time with the triplets

Starter homes are great, if you’re growing your family one child at a time. Give birth to triplets and that house gets real small real fast.

It’s been a long process (in a bonkers housing market) but they finally had an offer accepted on a bigger house.

Over the last several weeks grandma and I have been watching the triplets during showings, or helping any way we can.

We’re so excited for them and can’t wait until they close on the new house and get settled in.