It is important to state up front that the stories in this blog are just that, stories written for entertainment purposes only.  These should be read purely as anecdotes. 

To be perfectly clear:

  • We are NOT healthcare professionals
  • While the triplet’s mom does work in early childhood, as the primary contributor to the blog, I am not a childcare expert

Information in this blog is neither researched beyond our desperate online searches in moments of craziness, nor thoroughly tested on any babies other than our own for accuracy or safety.  Any action, or inaction, you take as a result of this blog is not recommended by its author or any contributors. 

No Preemie Information

Our triplets were unbelievably fortunate to be born Late Preterm at 36 weeks of pregnancy.  All of them entered the world in good health and did not spend time in the Newborn Intensive Care Unit.

We are well aware that most families of multiples spend weeks or months in the NICU, and that extensive care is required even after babies are released to go home.  Our triplets started out like most babies, in the maternity ward with their parents and went home together.  We have no information or stories to share about the NICU experience.

A Living Blog

This blog is intended to be structured as a work in progress.  Some topics will evolve and grow along with the triplets.  This means that many posts will be appended rather than branching into new articles. 


  • What are the triplet’s names?
    To protect the children’s personal information and identities, we will be referring to the babies as A, B and C
  • Can we see more pictures of the triplets?
    We will to be selective in the photos we share in order to protect their identities
  • Are they identical triplets?
    The boy looks noticeably different from the girls. In all seriousness, no, they are fraternal

Affiliate Links & Recommendations

In many of our articles, especially gear-based stories, we may earn a small commission when readers purchase products through our links.

This doesn’t affect which products are included in the articles. All of the products we highlight are based on our own personal experience, regardless of any affiliate relationships.

As an Amazon Associate, Love Triplets may earn commissions from qualifying purchases from

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