Week 20 with Triplets

Week of November 15, 2021

Now that the babies and I have gotten into our routine, it was time to work on some new skills. These include a few that move the babies forward on their development and a others that, to be honest, also benefit Umpa.

It Takes a Village

Before I go any further, let’s be clear that I play a very small role in the development of these triplets. Their parents lay down a solid foundation and I simply support that during my days with the tiny trio.

It is also worth giving a shout out to the baby’s great grand parents, who stop by regularly to help with the babies and give me a chance to sit down a minute. Thank you for all you do in loving and caring for these triplets.

The Self Soothing Triplet

I witnessed a fascinating experience with Baby A this week. She started blowing raspberries a few weeks back (totally adorable), but we also noticed that it’s often a tool used to calm herself.

One day this week, however, I swear she was meditating. Let me explain.

After her 1:00pm bottle, Baby A tends to get uncomfortable and quite upset. One day I was tending to the other babies and looked over to see Baby A sitting quietly in her bouncer with her eyes closed. She had just finished a long nap, so it seemed unlikely she’d be tired.

After watching her for less than a minute she opened her eyes again and was happy, even flashing a smile.

This lasted about 15 minutes and she started to get agitated again. Again, she closed her eyes for about 30 seconds and opened them in a better mood. After that, Baby A was happy the rest of the day.

Better Nap Times

Since I started watching them we knew each baby had a trick to falling asleep, and my daughter supported taking any steps I deemed necessary to make my job easier.

Not surprisingly those tricks started taking longer and longer to take effect, so this week it became unsustainable and changes were needed.

It made for a difficult morning one day, but the babies and I worked through some adjustments for nap time.

  • Baby A
    • She has been falling asleep pretty quickly for her nap
    • The biggest challenge is that she wakes up halfway through, so we’re working on falling back to sleep without waking her siblings
  • Baby B
    • Had a love/hate relationship with her pacifier. Wanted it, but kept spitting it out and then crying
    • Finally figured out this week that a small blanket is sufficient to sooth her to sleep. It also has the advantage of being harder to lose
  • Baby C
    • Fights nap time
    • Insisted on being rocked to sleep in a bouncy chair, which took longer and longer each time
    • Finally figured out we need to let him get a little more tired before we put him down… in a crib. White noise is still sometimes needed, but even that was less and less by end of week

Practice Holding Bottles

Baby B holding bottle
Baby B holding bottle

My wife swears that our daughter was able to hold her own bottle around this age. As any parent knows, that is a game changer for a task consuming so much time during the day (no pun intended).

They usually eat reasonably well and quickly, but not always.

The girls have started showing interest in holding their bottle at the end of a feeding. I encourage this as a sort of post meal play activity with their empty bottles.

We tried starting feedings a few times with a full bottle and had some success. The trick is trying to assist one or two when they all eat at the same time. Even two hands is not always enough to keep them on task normally.

Fingers crossed they grasp the concept and can start feeding themselves soon.

Sitting and Rolling

Their parents and I have been intentional in working with the babies to sit unsupported. The triplets love their piano play mat, which you can rotate the keyboard to use in the seated position.

Triplets Sitting at Piano
Baby A, B and C practicing sitting at their play piano

We had a few moments this week of Baby A and Baby C putting their hands down to steady themselves. Great progress indeed.

All three babies have also demonstrated the ability to roll front to back, and visa versa. It’s something we practice during play time but they haven’t been motivated to roll with any frequency.

Well, that all changed when the triplets went home Friday night. I’ve since received reports that Baby A has become a rolling fool! Apparently she’s discovered that it’s not a one-and-done maneuver, but can be done repeatedly to actually move somewhere.

The days of setting them down and walking away are quickly coming to an end.