Week 32 with Triplets

Those who run toward danger, but in the hazardous way.

Safety Barriers Have Been Added

Baby B is the first of the trio to figure out mobility.

At this point it’s a lot of rolling, but with purpose. She will also crawl/army crawl toward nearby objects that interest her. I believe she knows how to full on crawl but it just hasn’t clicked yet, so she doesn’t go far.

Well aware that she can now roll places rather quickly, I put up a barrier of small laundry baskets this week in the one spot she could get in trouble. It’s only two steps down but lands on a tile entryway.

Sure enough I step into the other room one day to put five items in the dishwasher and come back to find her rolled halfway across the room and up against the baskets.

I snap a picture for mom and, before it’s even sent, she has kicked the baskets down into the entryway. Needless to say there was a trip to Walmart to shop for a baby gate that night.

The goal was something quick and easy. Long term we’ll need something sturdy enough to handle the weight of all three pushing at once.

The Dangers Don’t End There

Week 32 run towards danger
Baby B and the only dangerous thing in the room

On Friday it was very cold outside and we had visitors coming to evaluate the babies (all good, normal thing they get to do). To maximize mobility, mom wants them dressed in onesies.

Because of the cold weather, I brought in a small space heater to keep them extra comfortable.

What should be no surprise to anyone with babies, Baby B and her cursed mobility heads straight for the heater and its tangle of extension cords.

It’s going to be a real treat trying to keep three of them from constantly putting themselves in harm’s way.

We do have the corral for this very purpose but, until they’re all mobile, it just creates more work for Umpa.

For the Love of Standing

Something all the babies enjoy right now is standing. Whether it’s up against furniture or one of their activity tables, they find great joy.

Week 32 standing at activity table
Baby A standing at activity table

At this time standing them up is not a skill we actively work on in the daycare. Mostly it’s used as an effective distraction from fussiness.

Baby A and C can hold themselves up for an extended period, while Baby B loves standing but is less steady.

New Music in the Daycare

Everyone has their own tastes when it comes to music, and I’ve always enjoyed discovering new-to-me artists.

There is a Triplets 101 blog post on Music in the Triplet Daycare that highlights the music I play for the babies. Because the daycare space lacks a TV, it’s a nice way to fill the room with sound.

My philosophy is also to play music that’s appropriate for the babies but doesn’t drive me crazy listening to it all day.

Much of what we play are Apple Music playlists so, on occasion, an artist will catch my attention. This week was especially productive so I’ll be adding several new artists to the Music blog post.

Check these out for yourself and let me know what you think.