Baby Shower Gift Basket Ideas

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Photo by Kampus Production from Pexels

During pregnancy, it’s difficult to anticipate those items you’ll use on a regular basis. It can also be hard to anticipate what to have on hand when you’re baby needs a little extra TLC.

Being the mother of newborns, regardless of whether they’re multiples or not, my daughter has discovered some of her favorite must-have products.

In a recent conversation, she shared what she will be sure to put in future baby Shower gift baskets for expectant friends and family.

  • Preparation is key when diaper rash strikes
  • Nasal Aspirator and Saline Spray
    Essential for clearing a stuffy nose due to allergies or a cold.
    (We currently only use the straw style aspirator, as we’ve not tried the power versions)
  • 2 styles of pacifiers (Soothies / NUKs)
    Not knowing what they’ll prefer, it’s good to have a few options on hand
  • Gas Relief Drops
    Not guaranteed but our babies found relief
  • Rectal thermometer
  • Nail Clippers