Week 18 with Triplets

Umpa’s First Week As Day Care

In case you didn’t know, I have volunteered to provide day care for my daughter’s triplets. After four months assisting her on maternity leave, this week I started watching them solo.

How did it go?

First off, I’d like to clarify that we have a long list of family and friends who have offered to help out, as needed. For at least the first day or two I wanted to try it on my own to see how things would go. This gave me a better sense of where I might truly need help.

The Best Laid Plans

Like everything else, we went into this with a bit of planning. A scheduled was worked out based on how most days have played out. Ultimately, though, the babies are in charge and adjustments can be made to meet their needs on a daily basis.

My daughter’s house is set up to meet all the needs of the babies, but my house is easier if I’m watching them alone. Since birth, I’ve been slowly preparing my house with everything I need to care for the triplets through the day. This means toys, pack n’ plays as cribs, changing table and supplies, and a full set of bottles for feeding.

Not wanting their parent’s to add the chaotic task of getting triplets ready and out the door each morning, it’s just as easy for me to start bright and early at their house. When I arrive, I feed the babies their first bottle and we have some play time to digest. Once signs of sleepiness wash over them, it’s time to load up for the short drive to Umpa’s house.

(Delaying our departure also lets the dog go out one more time before being left home alone for the day. Any bets on how long before I forget to let her back in before I leave?)

How It Really Went

Day one with the babies was on Thursday, and the stinkers decided to wake up early. This did give the babies a chance to play with mom before starting her first day back at work.

Day Care at Umpa’s House

It also meant the babies finished eating before I arrived. No problem, we’ll move right into play time. Exactly 15 later, the babies were showing clear signs of needing a nap.

Now, I learned awhile back that it’s never good to rush getting the babies out the door. The likelihood is too high that a diaper bag or pacifier gets missed. So, I settled in to let them nap and took care of a few chores around their house. The babies awoke in perfect time to head out before the next feeding.

The Good and Bad

From time to time the babies decide to make feeding time difficult. All three are capable of drinking a full bottle unassisted. Sometimes, however, one or more doesn’t want to eat or demands extra attention to finish their formula.

Prop feeding at Umpa's house
Prop feeding the triplets

Luckily today was a very good eating day. Everyone drank their bottles to the bottom with minimal effort.

Where we all struggled was at nap times. I will admit that, while it’s not their first time napping at my house, they certainly must have known things were out of the norm.

Naps were short. Each baby needed help falling asleep and, inevitably, the first one would wake the others too early. Unfortunately, this carried into the evening and their parents had some crabby triplets on their hands.

Day Two Was… Different

Baby nap time
First time napping in the Pack n’ Play without bassinet riser

The second day was much more on schedule, but the babies chose to make mealtime difficult through much of the day.

The morning brought good naps before another very slow feeding. Happily this was followed by a visit from a group studying our triplets (this may be a future post, but it’s not my story to tell). Regardless, it gave me some extra hands, an activity to entertain and exhaust the triplets, and got us to the next nap time.

By afternoon, Baby A decided she wanted to be held for her nap. I do love a good snuggle nap, but it’s almost impossible on my own. With great luck, my youngest daughter stopped by and offered to help with the other two babies.

Everyone woke up well rested and happy, with all three finally drinking a full bottle unassisted. Mom arrived shortly after to pick them up and I “clocked out” for the weekend.

Where Do We Go From Here?

Now that I know what it takes to get through a day myself, it’s clearly possible. Still, I did extend an open invitation going forward to anyone who wanted to spend a few afternoon hours helping with the kiddos.