Week 27 with Triplets

Baby’s First Christmas!

When you have babies, and grand babies, their first experiences are so special. This last week was our triplet’s first Christmas and it was amazing.

Somehow people managed to practice some restraint and not bury the babies in a pile of gifts (future years are sure to get way worse).

Twas the Night Before Christmas

Christmas Eve consisted of a lovely dinner at Mimi and Umpa’s house followed by opening one gift. Mimi started a new tradition of giving each baby an ornament and their own book series.

Baby AMadeline series
Baby BOlivia series
Baby CThe Pigeon series

Finally, a long standing favorite in our house is reading Twas the Night Before Christmas. Baby A was most interested, Baby C listened intently and Baby B recognized that Santa would come quicker if she went to sleep.

Week 27 reading Twas the Night Before Christmas
Mimi reading Twas the Night Before Christmas

Christmas Morning

At their house, Santa brought the babies a playpen to create their own space, complete with foam puzzle play mat and a couple activity tables to encourage standing. Although I’ll be honest, the triplets just started sitting upright so I was not ready to see Baby A already standing unassisted at the activity table.

Week 27 triplet Christmas at home
The triplets get their own play space at home from Santa

Our kids, with triplets in tow, arrived at our house mid-morning for a delicious brunch and a second round of Santa. Cinnamon rolls and fruit are a long standing tradition, but we’ve recently added biscuit and gravy casserole (so good).

The babies were each gifted a bath tub seat and an assortment of dishware, cups and silverware.

Wrapping Up the Holiday

New Years Day was Christmas with the extended family on my wife’s side. With family scattered around the country, gifts were distributed ahead of time and everyone opened them via a Zoom call.

I have to say, as crazy as this family is about the triplets, people continued to practice restraint. It was entirely possible this group would go overboard for the baby’s first Christmas.

Maybe they recognized that the first year is primarily about the essentials and going too far beyond that is just excessive. It’s also possible everyone wanted to be respectful of the limited space in their current house.

Next year, with the triplets more active and a bigger house to better fit their instant family, the filters might come off. I also have garage sale season between now and then, so we’ll see who can overwhelm them first.

Image courtesy of Mombella

One Final Note on Christmas Gifts…

The baby’s favorite gift was clearly their Mombella Mimi Mushroom Pacifiers. I’d seen these recommended in a TikTok, as they wrap around the baby’s hand so they’re easier to hold.

Like many things, it is a short term toy since it’s soft silicone and won’t really be usable once the babies sprout teeth. None the less, they quickly became a popular soothing toy during quiet time.

Christmas Break at Home with Mom

Because my daughter works in education, she gets a few weeks off for the holidays. This means time at home and a break from Umpa’s daycare.

The triplets have such wonderful parents focused on their emotional and developmental well being, and my daughter loves trying new sensory activities. One afternoon she let the babies finger paint.

This is the clean version where everything is contained in a plastic bag.

Week 27 finger painting
Triplet finger painting in a bag

It wasn’t long before the bags were ripped off the wall, but all three babies were well engaged and had a wonderful experience.

Six Month Checkup

The triplets also turned six months old right before the holidays. This meant a visit with the pediatrician to check vitals and receive their latest round of vaccines.

Our favorite part is getting official updates on their height and weight.

  • Baby A = 16.34 lbs., 27″
  • Baby B = 15.64 lbs., 27″
  • Baby C = 18.14 lbs., 29″

No doubt these are incredibly healthy, and very tall, babies. The most shocking takeaway is that Baby C is six months old and already close to outgrowing his infant car seat. I’ve been told that 30″ is the maximum height before stepping up to the next level.