Week 28 with Triplets

Cold Winter Temperatures Finally Arrive

Christmas break is over and time for the triplets to return to Umpa’s Daycare.

While we’ve had an incredibly mild fall, winter finally hit this week. I’m not talking about a mountain of snow, but bitterly cold temperatures took hold.

In A Day at Umpa’s Daycare I mention how the day starts with me picking the babies up at their house and driving them to mine. With the temperatures as cold as they were this week, I wasn’t comfortable needlessly exposing them to the weather for any amount of time.

The nice thing about our arrangement is the ability to watch the triplets at their house in situations like this.

The Benefits of Triplets

No doubt taking care of triplets is, well, three times harder than a single baby in many ways. But we also have moments where three siblings are uniquely special.

Every day that passes we see the babies becoming more aware of their siblings. It is fascinating to watch them interact with each other in a way single babies don’t necessarily get to experience.

Week 28 interacting around toy
Triplets interacting with toy, and each other

Now that the trio are solidly sitting upright, it’s entertaining to place them in a circle around a toy(s) to watch them not only interact with the toy but with each other. (The advantage for me is that they can easily entertain themselves like this for a half hour or more.)

Early stages of language development between the three are clearly visible. It’s also common to see one baby sitting quietly and intently watching what another baby(ies) is doing.

They are truly inquisitive at this stage. You’ll often catch them watching you eat, talk or doing something they find interesting in the moment.

Fun Activity of the Week

As you clearly know by now, the triplet’s mom is big into sensory play.

While I was breaking down Christmas boxes over the weekend, I came across the brown paper packing material from an Amazon box. Inspiration struck and I turned it into a sensory activity for the babies.

Week 28 amazon crinkle paper
Triplets with Amazon packing paper sensory play

It was familiar territory for the triplets, having recently been given plenty of practice with wrapping paper while opening Christmas gifts. They dove right in to grabbing, tearing and making crinkle noises with their hands and feet.

I can see this being a great toy even as they get older. Lots of potential in such a simple, and free, item.

A Test for Our Readers

We had a few moments this week where the babies didn’t like when I briefly stepped out of the room.

On one occasion I walked up to the kitchen, where I could still easily see them, and Baby B began to fuss. Not a problem, I brought her up with me and plopped her in a Bumbo on the floor.

Apparently her siblings felt they were missing out and started fussing as well. Pretty soon I had all three in Bumbos watching me fill baby bottles.

Now, not thinking this was going to become a big event I simply grabbed whichever Bumbo was easiest at the moment.

Week 28 Bumbos
Triplet Bumbo mismatch

After being jokingly chastised for the babies being in the wrong seats, I thought I’d pose a challenge to my readers.

  1. Can you figure out which baby is which?
  2. Do you know in which Bumbo each baby belongs?

I realize the triplets are still tricky to tell apart (plus mom asks that I only publish low resolution pictures). The answer to Question #2, however, can be found with a little sleuthing through the blog posts.

Good luck!