Week 36 with Triplets

Number of weeks out equals number of weeks in.

That’s right, the triplets have been out of mommy’s tummy as long as they were inside getting baked up real good.

And what a busy 36 weeks they’ve had.

Mobility Leaps and Bounds

Week 36 baby cat food
Baby gets everywhere she shouldn’t be, and quickly.

We’re going to highlight Baby B this week, since she has definitely grasped the concept of movement. In fact, she spends every minute of every day pushing those skills to new levels.

What makes it hilarious is that she’s the smallest of the three. This tiny little girl going darn near anywhere she pleases. Although not fully crawling yet, her inchworm and rolling skills serve her well.

This week she has ventured out to explore new areas of her house and daycare. Often times catching the adults off guard and having to grab her in the nick of time (as babies do).

Baby B on stairs
Baby B pulling herself using the stairs. Hasn’t attempted climbing… just yet.

She’s also now eager to stand up on her own. This started as transitioning from a crawling position on her knees to something resembling a yoga pose with her feet flat on the floor.

From there it was pulling herself up on Boppy pillows, your leg when sitting on the floor, and anything else she could find.

By mid-week she discovered the daycare stairs helped her get to a more upright position. She even surprised everyone by — out of the blue — pulling herself up against the vertical front of an easy chair.

In a moment that amazed me, but left her mom in disbelief, I tried putting her behind a walker. While she was still quite unstable, she clearly understood the concept of taking steps.

Week 36 baby on the loose
Can you find all three babies in this photo?

Sitting Upright Unassisted

Not to dwell on Baby B, but she did have some amazing new tricks this week.

Something she really worked on, after some instruction from mom, was getting from a crawling position back to a sitting position. Her core strength and determination finally got her over the goal line.

Her technique is, from a crawling position, place her feet flat on the floor and then drop back at an angle. This puts her butt on the floor, arms off to the side and legs positioned in front of her. From there it was only a matter of working on arm position and using core strength to get upright again.

The other sitting move developed following feedings in the horseshoe Boppy pillows.

Baby B figured out to push herself backward, arching over the back of the pillow, and then drop her butt back down to the floor. This gave her enough of an inclined seating position that, using only her impressive core strength, she could get to a seated position.

This girl is really mastering her body for the purposes of getting where she wants.

New Foods in the Daycare

Image courtesy of Gerber foods.

Mom sent a couple new foods to Umpa’s house.

The babies are now old enough to start eating snack puffs and crunchy sticks.

Puffs are great for developing fine motor skills, like pincer movements with their fingers.

Crunchy sticks are more of any easy treat, although we did learn that flavor preferences still come into play. The babies did great with vanilla sticks at their house, but the cheddar sticks at my house were not as popular.

Week 36 with Jell-o
First time with Jell-o.

By the end of the week, we were looking for a sensory activity. With mom’s approval, I picked up orange Jell-o to try with the triplets.

Baby A wouldn’t feed herself, but had no problem if you placed some in her mouth. She’ll eat most things anyway.

The most enthusiastic was Baby B. She enjoyed the Jell-o, and was surprisingly successful at feeding herself with such a tricky food.

Our picky eater, Baby C, was not a fan. Never sure if it’s an issue of taste or texture, but he still found it fun to play with.

I did manage to turn their clothes orange, so definitely need short sleeve outfits next time.